Monday, June 21, 2010

These Week's discoverys

"Flying with my feets on the ground"
Found these poster that's so perfect for these week!

I'm taking care of a lot of realitys stuff that I was avoiding
............ and by doing it, I feel such an incredible relief!

Productives.times.without.big.worrys HERE I COME!! ;-)

Loving the drawings from these talented ilustrator from Toronto,
click here to see more of her really nice work.

"I'm in love.............I sooo want one"
Moving the small wheel to the front reduced the very real danger of doing a “header”, i.e. flying over the handlebar. To mount the Eagle, you take several running steps and when the pedal is at the lowest point, you step on the pedal and ride it up into the saddle. This machine was made by the Eagle Manufacturing Co. of Torrington, CT.