Thursday, October 3, 2013

New Room

I'm packing and I wish I was one those people that don't have that much stuff and they don't want so much.............they are clever. :-/ also dreaming of my new room, I know that I already got a bed and a table, but I don't know much else. Imagen!


No, I know.....yes I'm still alive. Well I have been planing to move to Berlin this fall to study & guess what......I'm! I can't believe it my self either, tomorrow I take the Train to a new future.
I'm so happy* & how are you doing?

Friday, March 8, 2013


I will move out of my apartment at the end of the month, I have been living here for eight years and I have a lot of history here. I feel a bit nostalgic sometimes, but then I find pictures of places like this  and  I start to dream of  a big empty rooms and all of the possibilities there are to make a new place your home.

Meet the Artist: Scott Lenhardt

Scott Lenhardt and his "Twenty Four Hour Woman" is such an honest project.
Have a look a the video, you will love it :)

Woman & Muse

I know... this is provably the longest post in the history of blogs, (believe me I made a selection) but you will have to deal with it because all of this artist are incredible and their work is inspired by us Women (^u ^) because we are the best inspiration source for women and men ever.
You are all diamond-lady's!    
Big hugs!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Animated Sunndays: To This Day Project

These is a truly inspiring, powerful & really touching Project 

About: "To This Day is a project based on a spoken word poem written bay Shane Koyczan called "To This Day", to further explore the profound and lasting impact that bullying can have on an individual.

Schools and families are in desperate need of proper tools to confront this problem. We can give them a starting point... A message that will have a far reaching and long lasting effect in confronting bullying.

Animators and motion artist brought their unique styles to 20 second segments that will thread into one fluid voice.

This collaborative volunteer effort demonstrates what a community of caring individuals are capable of when they come together.

Friday, March 1, 2013

7 & 1/4 Hooray!!

Last year I had a birthday & it was great!!....soo I know that is not good to brag, but.
These year I don't have a birthday & still is!! (^ U ^)****!

I got soooo many good wishes from family (My mom is so great!!) & friends. 
That I had to make something to send my love right back!!
 These incredible little Book I got from my roommate! I'm in love with it!  
Aslo  I wanted to buy these for me as my birthday gift but mi dear sister & juan are getting it for me!!
I feel sooo loved! 

I will be cooking some nice food tonight and looking forward to more great times!!! 
Thank You!! :)