Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Photo: Anna Amphigorously

I found these breath taking photographs some months ago.
I finally got the opportunity to share it with all of you.
I want to make series of weekly reviews and I'm hoping for these one to be
the first of many more photo reviews. What do you think?

Anna Amphigorously ist a 14 years old girl
from Menisee California and she takes the most magical pictures.
Like looking in to dreams of lost memories.

The talented Anna also got a great shop at Etsy "the-darling-child" were
she sells vintage cameras and lovely vintage-style dresses made by herself.
Shes an amazing creative soul :D
To see more of Anna's rainbows please press»»»»»»»here

wishing you rainbow-dreams of far away places

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Animated Sunndays X 2: Louis Thomas /Thèo Guignard & Ned Wenlock

Hello creasy rainbows!
I'm back! yes! finaly, 5 days without internet...well I can only say:
not for me!...hehehe! Ok sooo anyway...
I'm back these time to share with you fantastic animation in doble pack!
I saw these amazing pieces about 2 weeks ago & there is so much more to see...yes!
MORE great animated videos!!! that I'll be showing you every sunnday.
So I live you to................enjoy :)

Playing with light - Mon ami le robot from Cube Creative on Vimeo.

These wonderful work ist from france and was made by Louis Thomas & Thèo Guignard for Cube-Creative animation Studios.

Here some of Lois Thomas great, full of energy & character Work:

for more press»»»»»»here

Some of Thèo Guinard clean, clear and huntingly beutiful work:
I'm so facinated by his Work, I'll say that his creations cache my eye in a profound way.
I really enjoy looking at every one of his images.
He is at the moment a student in Frace in the School Gobelins
to see more of his talent press»»»»»»»here

Bedbugs Odyssey from oneedo on Vimeo.

Let me introduce you to: The great creative mind of Ned Wenlock AKA "Oneedo". Take clever humor, clear lines and forms, cool textures, clever funny characters, vintage retro looks and fantastic talented ideas put all in a huge blender and you will get "Oneedo"

to see more press»»»»»»here

Have a lovely Sunnday full of rainbow-light!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Animated Sunndays: Ryan J Woodward

Happy to introduce you to these incredible artist. His whimsical and sublime work its like flowing rivers of inspirating energy. Its a true joy to be able to find a diamond like these one through internet. . Thank's to Ryan J Woodward for sharing his work to the world. To see more of his talent press »»»»»»»»»here

Have a rainbow-sunny-sunnday :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Post it show review: Dani Torrent

Meet Dani Torrent from Barcelona.
His work some how, tansports me to a world of old classical
fairy tales but with a dark psicodelic twist.
Also he's got amazing watercolor skills!

To see more of hes fine work press »»»»»Here

Have a great weekend full of rainbow-smiles & lots of fun!